100TWh Conference “Myths & reality of sustainable electricity”
List of important messages issued during this conference of 20.05.2022
List of important messages issued during this conference of 20.05.2022
The 100TWh citizens’ movement is opposed to the construction of gas-fired power stations to replace nuclear power. Together with its lawyers, it has issued an appeal for the cancellation of the permit for the Manage TGV plant, which is based on a botched impact study. Communiqué FR Persbericht NL
Following the Fukushima accident, tests carried out on the Belgian reactors showed that they could not be affected by such an accident. Il est utile tout d’abord de revoir ce qui s’est passé lors des catastrophes nucléaires. En fait, il n’y a eu qu’une seule catastrophe nucléaire, à Tchernobyl en…
Give your comments on this 100TWh study on the ETS. Abstract The EU emissions trading system (EU ETS) is the system the EU has set up to reduce greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions in Europe. As described in this article, the citizens’ initiative 100TWh found evidences that EU ETS didn’t achieve its…
17/01/21 “Nuclear energy, why is it undervalued” – by Paul Bossens 17/02/21 “Hormesis & natural radiation – Could a bit of radiation be good for your health?” – by Michel Ceuppens 17/03/21 “Nuclear waste – breakthrough technologies in Generation IV” – by Georges Van Goethem 17/04/21 “Small Modular Reactors – Why…