“EU has to stop its pernicious ETS market and to effectively tackle climate change”

Give your comments on this 100TWh study on the ETS.


The EU emissions trading system (EU ETS) is the system the EU has set up to reduce greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions in Europe. As described in this article, the citizens’ initiative 100TWh found evidences that EU ETS didn’t achieve its objectives, and will never do.

But we also demonstrate that this is a pernicious system because despite its noble intentions, in reality it is a system that gives polluting rights to the wealthiest carbon emitting industries or States.

In particular, the ETS is used by some Member States to foster the building of new fossil based power plants to phase out carbon free nuclear installations having a potential for long term operation. This also shows the pernicious effect of the ETS when misused by politics.

For those reasons and the other described in our article, 100TWh plead for the abandonment of this EU ETS and for its replacement by an effective limitation of the greenhouse gas emissions.

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